Vita Recovery

Stimulants Rehab Miami

Stimulants are designed to increase the user's focus and raise the levels of psychological or nervous activity in the body. These can be prescribed or sold as illegal substances on the streets. Continued use of these drug groups can drastically impact one's physical and mental health.

The stimulant drugs group includes cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, Ritalin, and Adderall. All these can be highly addictive. Vita Recovery offers professional help through high-quality recovery programs to overcome alcohol and drug addiction and return to good health.

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Get the help you need today!

Our world-class facility has all the amenities and resources you need to navigate recovery.

An Innovative Approach to Stimulants Rehab in Miami

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction or mental health disorders, recovery is possible through our individualized science-backed program at our treatment center in downtown Miami, Florida.

With over 125 years of combined medical and clinical experience, we offer a strong support system, a relapse prevention plan, and customized care to support and offer lasting sobriety. We tailor programs to our clients as holistic individuals, providing custom, comprehensive treatment and aftercare.

Signs of Stimulants Addiction

Stimulants come in prescription and illicit forms, but anyone can develop an addiction to these potent drugs. Often, people suffering from addiction to stimulants have a hard time accepting that they've lost control of their use. Similarly, loved ones may struggle to identify and voice concerns about behaviors that suggest problematic drug abuse.

These are the signs to look for:

  • Inability to stop drug use, despite a known desire to do so

  • Cravings or urges to use stimulants, despite their negative effects

  • Large amounts of time spent purchasing, consuming, and recovering from stimulant highs

  • Failing to keep up obligations at home and work

  • Canceling or losing interest in previously beloved hobbies or activities

  • Using and/or stealing other people's prescription medications

  • Buying stimulants from street dealers or others who sell prescription drugs

  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms or prolonged dysphoric "comedowns" after use


How Stimulants Addiction Impacts Your Health

Misusing stimulants for longer than prescribed puts you at a higher risk of developing an addiction. Stimulant group drug addiction is extremely harsh on the body, with severe potential effects on both physical and mental health.

Short-Term Effects

Those who take stimulants often do so for euphoric, energetic, and pleasurable effects or to support concentration. But in high doses, these drugs send body systems into overdrive, causing:

  • Irritability

  • Heart palpitations

  • Increased sexual desire and performance

  • Anxiety or paranoia

  • Intense feelings of happiness

  • Increased energy, sociability, and self-esteem

  • Insomnia

  • Breathing problems

  • High body temperature

  • Jittery movements

Long-Term Effects

Continued misuse of stimulants introduces persistent stress to the body, with significant effects on your health. Common long-term effects are:

  • Developing dental problems, such as tooth decay

  • (When snorting) respiratory and nasal infection

  • High blood pressure

  • Tissue damage, especially in the heart and blood vessels

  • Heightened risk of cardiac failure and heart disease

  • Development of acute mood disorders

  • Recurrent headaches/migraines

  • Reduced sexual functioning

  • Extreme weight loss

  • Stroke



What Can I Expect During Stimulant Rehab?

Effective substance abuse treatment programs begin with private, in-depth assessment and the construction of a personalized treatment plan.

Stimulant addiction typically calls for a supervised medical detox with a strong focus on mental health management. After stabilization, programs proceed with individual counseling sessions, therapeutic interventions, and support groups.

These and other modalities work to help you understand your substance use disorder both from outside and within, working together to build the skills and mindset for sobriety.

Treating Stimulants Addiction: The Treatment Process

At Vita Recovery, your route to long-lasting recovery starts with a dedicated assessment of your starting situation. We involve questions about mental health, history of abuse, and social, physical, and emotional stressors. Our comprehensive assessment process allows us to be mindful from the start of the many factors contributing to your addiction.

Clients in the stimulant program then enter detox. This supervised medical process supports your body as it eliminates the drug and its toxins, easing any withdrawal symptoms and cravings you might experience.

Following this, clients receive a personal schedule of therapy sessions. Most of the people we treat at Vita benefit from engaging in both group and individual therapeutic structures - there are benefits to both when scaffolding our thoughts and behaviors for sobriety. Family members are also encouraged to engage in their loved one's recovery through family sessions, and we always follow up with a personalized aftercare program.

Are There Different Levels of Care for Stimulant Addiction Treatment?

Vita Recovery offers a graduated system of addiction treatment services provided at different levels of care - there's something for every situation.

  • Our Partial Hospitalization Program provides intensity and rigor on par with inpatient rehab, including day-long therapeutic schedules and daily access to our clinical services.

  • The Intensive Outpatient Program provides medical care, weekly treatment sessions, and individual or group therapy sessions. It can more easily fit around daily responsibilities than PHP.

  • The 3-A concierge-style therapy program is carried out by a dedicated therapist, who designs a plan of wrap-around care custom-built from the start to meet client needs.

If it isn't possible for you to join us in person, we offer virtual treatment for all of our programs. While our detox services are residential, we welcome clients who accessed detox elsewhere and are ready to embark on therapy with us.

What Are the Risks of Not Getting Treatment for Stimulant Addiction?

Unmanaged stimulant addiction can come at the cost of long-term health, with consequences from head to toe. Not seeking treatment for substance abuse can have an enormous negative impact on both physical and mental health. These include:

  • Increased risk of heart failure and cardiovascular damage

  • Brain and cognitive deterioration, affecting decision-making ability, includes brain damage or cerebral hemorrhage in severe forms

  • Greater risk of kidney and liver failure

  • Experiencing mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, delusions, paranoia, and hallucinations

  • Higher risk of suffering from muscle deterioration

  • Persistent gastrointestinal problems and irritation

  • Development of chronic exhaustion or fatigue

No one should have to suffer the consequences of untreated stimulant substance use disorder. Vita Recovery is the gateway to a fuller, healthier, more authentic life for all who seek treatment for this consuming form of substance abuse.

Vita Recovery FAQs

How Long Does Stimulant Rehab Typically Last?

The short answer is approximately 30-90 days, but in practice, this truly depends. At Vita Recovery, our goal is to ensure individualized care, meaning that we adjust all elements of your care to your unique needs, including the trajectory of your treatment program.

Are There Any Specific Treatments for Women or Pregnant Women With Stimulant Addiction?

Usually, our stimulant addiction program is not significantly affected by age or gender. If medication is part of your treatment, our doctors will not prescribe anything that poses an increased risk to your pregnancy - we will work with you to enlist the most effective modalities that minimize physical stress.

Will My Insurance Cover the Cost of Stimulant Addiction Treatment?

Vita Recovery aims to help as many people as possible, and we believe payment should not be an obstacle. We work with most major health insurance plans, including the majority of employment-provided plans. If you have any questions or need help interpreting your coverage, just give us a call.

How Can I Pay for Stimulant Addiction Treatment?

While we do accept payments from individuals, we find that most insurance plans at least partially cover addiction treatment costs. Our team is on call to discuss payment options - simply reach out, and we'll see what we can do.

Can Stimulant Addiction Treatment Be Done on an Outpatient Basis?

Vita Recovery delivers stimulant addiction treatment and recovery outcomes on an almost fully outpatient basis. We ask that our clients in detox stay here with us, but as they transition to the next step, we find that clients uniquely benefit from sleeping at home and maintaining their routines in recovery.

How Does Medication-assisted Treatment (MAT) Help With Stimulant Addiction?

The FDA has not approved any medications for stimulant addiction treatment. However, sometimes we still suggest a prescription during detox when clients in stimulant recovery have severe co-occurring mood disorders or are experiencing extreme or dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

How Is the Withdrawal Process Managed During Stimulant Addiction Treatment?

At our luxury detox facility, the withdrawal process and its symptoms are monitored and managed with 24/7 medical supervision, therapeutic care, and psychiatric support to ease the process. Client comfort, safety, and peace are central to our detox services.

Stimulants Rehab in Miami, FL

Located in Downtown Miami, South Florida, Vita Recovery offers luxurious facilities and the consistent provision of a discreet, compassionate, science-based, and high-quality service to assist you and your family on the road to stimulant recovery.

Call Vita Recovery today to learn more about our successful drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs and to start making a plan for a brighter future.

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