Vita Recovery


The 3A Intensive Treatment Program is a unique and highly customizable treatment program available at Vita Recovery. For those seeking an intensive treatment program to help with mental health and addiction recovery, 3A is the perfect solution. This unique concierge therapy program has been developed and fine-tuned by Millennium Counseling Center over the last 10+ years, and can now be facilitated in our Miami office or virtually throughout Florida.

3A offers a range of benefits that will ensure personalized attention for every individual. With continued accountability, clients are sure to stay on track with their goals while receiving radical acceptance from experienced professionals who understand their struggles.

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Our world-class facility has all the amenities and resources you need to navigate recovery.

Continued Accountability

One of the key features of the 3A Intensive Treatment Program is its continued accountability. This feature ensures that clients remain on track with their goals while being provided with a safe and supportive environment to make progress in their recovery journey. Through this program, individuals will receive regular check-ins from specialists who are dedicated to helping them reach their desired outcomes. Clients can also benefit from personalized feedback and support throughout each session, allowing them to stay accountable for their own actions and decisions. With these tools at hand, those seeking help can be sure they are receiving the best care possible as they work towards achieving sobriety or improved mental health.

Radical Acceptance

Radical Acceptance is a key feature of the 3A Intensive Treatment Program. This important concept allows clients to understand, accept and embrace their experiences, providing room for growth and transformation. In a safe, non-judgmental environment, counselors will help individuals learn to accept themselves and their current situation without judgment or criticism. Through this approach, therapists can help those in recovery understand how their past has shaped them as well as what steps they need to take in order to move forward in life. Radical acceptance promotes self-awareness and provides an invaluable opportunity for personal growth and healing.

This concept involves being mindful of the present moment while recognizing underlying emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that may be influencing one's experience. It also requires understanding that pain and suffering are inevitable parts of life but should not be used as excuses for unhealthy behavior or neglecting necessary care. With Radical Acceptance, individuals can begin to make lifestyle changes on their own terms by working through feelings such as guilt, anger, or shame without allowing them to control the direction of the treatment process. Additionally, Radical Acceptance helps clients develop self-compassion which is so vital in times of stress and turmoil. As clients practice this concept within the walls of Vita Recovery's program they are able to gain insight into themselves in meaningful ways that can ultimately lead to improved mental health or addiction recovery outcomes.

Homework assignments and activities to help clients embrace addiction as a fatal disease and prioritize recovery. Counseling sessions to discuss how addiction has affected everyone and the need for ongoing care for the whole family system.

Personalized Attention

At Vita Recovery, we understand that everyone’s journey to mental health and addiction recovery is unique. That’s why our 3A Intensive Treatment Program offers personalized attention for every individual seeking help. Dedicated therapist in charge of developing and managing a personalized program of wrap-around care suited to the individual's requirements utilizing Millennium's proven addiction treatment methods. Sessions of counseling for the client and their core group of family and friends to create responsibilities within the client's recovery support network.

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